
Python Version Code style: black


tdp-lib is a Python library built on top of Ansible. It is designed for managing TDP clusters, offering advanced tools to extend Ansible’s capabilities. Key features include:

tdp-lib can be utilized in various ways: as a Python library, through an admin CLI, via a REST API (see tdp-server), or through a web interface (see tdp-ui).


To use tdp-lib, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

Optional dependencies for DAG visualization:


Set the following environment variables:

Ensure Ansible is configured to use the tosit.tdp.inventory plugin. Example ansible.cfg:


enable_plugins = tosit.tdp.inventory,..,your_plugins

Install the library:

# Create and activate a virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install the dependencies
pip install "tdp-lib[visualization]@"
# Initialize the database and tdp_vars
tdp init

CLI Usage

[!NOTE] This section is a work in progress.

tdp --help


Contributions are welcome! Here are some guidelines specific to this project:

Developer Documentation

Developer documentation is available here: docs/Developer

Docstrings are used to generate Sphinx documentation. Install the docs` extra dependency:

poetry install -E docs

Build the documentation:

poetry run task docs

The built documentation is available at docs/_build/html/index.html.